Guru Poornima Camp
Hari Om.
Namaste to everybody.
Akshar Educational Trust is happy to announce that Sri Swamiji has given his consent for a 5 day long Guru Poornima Camp to be held at Self Knowledge Ashram, Uthandi, Chennai from 16th – 21st July 2024. Guru Poornima or Vyaasa Purnima falls on Sunday the 21st of July.
The camp donation is fixed at INR 5,000/-. 2 People will be in a sharing accommodation. People prefer single accommodation will have to pay a camp donation of INR 10,000/-. Since AC accommodation is limited, please reserve your participation by sending a token donation of INR 2,000/- in the following account on or before 30th April 2024. This amount will not be refunded in case of not attending the camp. The rest can be paid on the arrival for the camp or prior to the camp.
Account Number : 911 01 000 110 5869
Bank name: AXIS BANK
IFSC: UTIB0000423.
( For domestic participants only )
Friends from abroad who want to participate in the Guru Poornima Camp please reserve your accommodation by writing to us here or email directly to :
on or before 30th April 2024. Camp donation can be paid on arrival.
Thank you.